Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Post

Aaron here. What's up everybody!? So we (Heidi and I) have been married for 3 weeks and 1 day, where does the time go...haha! On our honeymoon one thing we said we wanted to do when we got back was start up a blog, because we both have lots of friends who do this blogging stuff and it sounded like a cool way to stay in touch with our friends lives and share what's been going on in our life. Once we started, it seemed to hard, but thanks to our good friend Lindsey, we are not started. (Oh Jen tried to help last week to, but we went to the Embo instead! haha).

Anyways, married life is pretty cool. I seriously lay awake at night and wonder what I did to deserve somebody as sweet as Heidi. She is my best friend and I'm so excited for what the future holds. She's working all weekend, can you tell I miss her!?

That's all I have for now - I think I'll let Heidi take care of this from now on!


  1. Yay! I get to leave the first comment on your blog!! Woohoo!! So happy for you guys! And yes, we definately need to get together! Maybe we could all go for a bike ride...oh wait! Heidi, you'll have to walk because we still have your bike at our house! Good thing you took up jogging and not biking!! :)

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! I try my best to keep mine up to date, but life is keeping me really busy right now!
