Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Update

Well, it's been awhile since we posted anything, so I thought we'd update a little on what the Nienhuis' have been up to.

We just got back from my grandpa Walters 80th Birthday Party. It's amazing to think of all that he has been through in the 80 years. He received a card of things that happened in 1929 - the year he was born. 1929 was when the great depression started, houses where sold for $7,000 and a yearly income was $1800. Oh how the time has changed! My Grandpa is a great man, full of faith, wisdom and generosity; and I respect him greatly.

Another update in our life is I (Heidi) started a new job this week. I started working for The Cancer & Hematology Centers of Western Michigan. It's very exciting and a great place to work. I survived my first week so that is always good. There is sooooo much I have to learn though about cancer and treatment. Aaron says I have to stay here for awhile, he hasn't liked my job hopping :) Let's see, I'm almost done with my 1st semester of Grad school too:) I remember in May when I was just dreading going back to school. But it has gone fairly quick, unfortunately that means so has the summer. I'm looking forward to being done and having the month of August to catch on some things around the house that I have sort of neglected.
Also we were able to go on a family vacation at the end of June, it was a great time for family and relaxation. Fishing wasn't great and the end of the week was cold and rainy but we survived. Seeing 7 little kids running around and waking up at 6am every day definitely tainted me and Aaron for having kids any time soon. That will NOT be happening for a long time:)

Aaron has been an amazing support for me this summer as I have put him through many changes with school and my job. Aaron does do well with change but this summer has been quite a challenge not only with my school and job, but with our house, church, and figuring out what married life is all about.

Here are some pictures of our family vacation this summer